System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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wikilog-title-item-full (Talk) (Translate) $1 - $2
wikilog-too-many-authors (Talk) (Translate) Warning: Too many authors listed in this wikilog post.
wikilog-too-many-tags (Talk) (Translate) Warning: Too many tags listed in this wikilog post.
wikilog-updated (Talk) (Translate) Updated
wikilog-view-archives (Talk) (Translate) Archives
wikilog-view-summary (Talk) (Translate) Summary
wikilog-wikilog (Talk) (Translate) Wikilog
wikilogcalendar (Talk) (Translate) Wikilog calendar
wikilogcomments (Talk) (Translate) All Wikilog Comments
wikilogsubscriptions (Talk) (Translate) Wikilog subscriptions
wikipoll-admin-title (Talk) (Translate) Viewing WikiPoll: $1 / $2
wikipoll-anonymous (Talk) (Translate) Anonymous
wikipoll-col-answer (Talk) (Translate) Option number
wikipoll-col-date (Talk) (Translate) Time
wikipoll-col-ip (Talk) (Translate) IP address
wikipoll-col-user (Talk) (Translate) User
wikipoll-desc (Talk) (Translate) A simple extension for inserting polls into articles.
wikipoll-email-html (Talk) (Translate) <body> <p>$1 to poll "$2" on the page <a href="$4">$3</a>, which exceeds or is equal to email notification limit ($5).</p> <p>The results are:</p> $6 <p><i>You receive this message because you're watching the page <a href="$4">$3</a>.</i></p> </body>
wikipoll-email-nvotes (Talk) (Translate) {{PLURAL:$1|There is $1 vote|There are $1 votes}}
wikipoll-email-subject (Talk) (Translate) [WikiPoll] $1 - $2!
wikipoll-email-text (Talk) (Translate) $1 to poll "$2" on the page "$3", which exceeds or is equal to email notification limit ($5). Check poll results on the page: $4 You receive this message because you're watching the page.
wikipoll-empty (Talk) (Translate) <b><font color="red">Error: poll is empty.</font></b>
wikipoll-flags-alternative (Talk) (Translate) ALTERNATIVE mode: user can vote for only one selected option
wikipoll-flags-auth-display (Talk) (Translate) Authorized display: allows voting and results display only for authorized users
wikipoll-flags-auth-vote (Talk) (Translate) Authorized: does not allow anonymous votes, but displays results
wikipoll-flags-checks (Talk) (Translate) CHECKS mode: user can vote for any number of different options
wikipoll-flags-end-hidden (Talk) (Translate) Poll ends: $1 (until this date results are hidden)
wikipoll-flags-end-shown (Talk) (Translate) Poll ends: $1 (results shown)
wikipoll-flags-global (Talk) (Translate) Global: same definition inserts same poll on different page
wikipoll-flags-id (Talk) (Translate) ID: $1
wikipoll-flags-ip-disabled (Talk) (Translate) IP restriction disabled. Users can vote many times from one IP address
wikipoll-flags-ip-enabled (Talk) (Translate) IP restriction enabled. Users can vote only one time from one IP address
wikipoll-flags-no-revote (Talk) (Translate) Does not allow vote recall
wikipoll-flags-points (Talk) (Translate) POINTS $1 mode: user can cast $1 votes for any options
wikipoll-flags-results-closed (Talk) (Translate) Poll results are shown only to voters
wikipoll-flags-results-open (Talk) (Translate) Poll results are shown for all users, including non-voters
wikipoll-flags-revote (Talk) (Translate) Allows vote recall
wikipoll-flags-safe (Talk) (Translate) Safe: definition change generates new poll
wikipoll-flags-title (Talk) (Translate) Page: $1
wikipoll-flags-unauth (Talk) (Translate) Unauthorized: Allows anonymous votes
wikipoll-flags-unique (Talk) (Translate) Unique: same definition inserts new poll on different page
wikipoll-flags-unsafe (Talk) (Translate) Unsafe: allows definition change
wikipoll-flags-voters-closed (Talk) (Translate) Closed: voter names can be viewed only in administration
wikipoll-flags-voters-open (Talk) (Translate) Open: voter names are displayed in results
wikipoll-must-login (Talk) (Translate) <b><font color="red">Sorry, you must be logged in to view this poll.</font></b>
wikipoll-must-login-to-vote (Talk) (Translate) <p><b><font color="red">You must be logged in to vote.</font></b></p>
wikipoll-no-id-text (Talk) (Translate) You need to specify poll page and, if there is more than one poll on the page, its ID to view options and results in the administration mode: <form action="$1" method="POST"> Page: <input type="text" name="pollpage" value="$2" /> ID: <input type="text" name="id" value="$3" /> (optional) <input type="submit" value="View" /> </form>
wikipoll-no-id-title (Talk) (Translate) Poll ID not specified
wikipoll-none-of-above (Talk) (Translate) None of the above
wikipoll-not-found-text (Talk) (Translate) Poll with this ID is not found on the specified page. Please, specify other page or ID: <form action="$1" method="POST"> Page: <input type="text" name="pollpage" value="$2" /> ID: <input type="text" name="id" value="$3" /> (optional) <input type="submit" value="View" /> </form>
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