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Syntax and options

Syntax is backwards compatible with Wikimedia's DynamicPageList syntax, except for 'firstcategorydate' related stuff. The text inside <subpagelist> is preprocessed, so you can use templates, magic words and parser functions inside it. Options are specified one per line.

Open tag

<subpagelist> (you can also use <DynamicPageList> or <subpages> for compatibility)

Page selection

 namespace = Main|Talk|...       restrict list to some namespaces
 category = A|B|C
 category = D|E
   Restrict page list to pages which are in one of these categories.
   this option may be specified multiple times, following occurrences
   will be appended as a conjunction, i.e., the resulting expression will be
   (A or B or C) & (D or E). This is compatible with Wikimedia's DynamicPageList
   syntax, but allows more complex queries.
 notcategory = A                 exclude pages which are in category A
 parent = P                      restrict listing to subpages of P
 level = L or MIN..MAX           set wanted subpage nesting levels (i.e. number of '/' in title)
                                 it must be equal to L or be within MIN..MAX
 deepness = D or MIN..MAX        set wanted subpage nesting levels, relative to parent
 ignore = L1|L2|...              ignore pages which match L1 or L2 or ... LIKE patterns:
                                 '\_' and ' ' match single space
                                 '_' matches any single character
                                 '%' matches any substring
                                 '\%' matches single '%' character
 redirect = yes|no               restring listing to redirect or non-redirect pages


 order|ordermethod = Y1 [asc|desc],Y2 [asc|desc],...
   Sort pages by Y1,Y2,..., asc|desc can be specified right after Yi, each Yi is one of:
 order = ASC or DESC             ascending or descending sort order for all Yi (compatibility)
 count|limit = N                 show at most N pages
 offset = M                      skip first M pages


 template = X
   Use template:X for output. The template will be preprocessed just like when included
   into listed article. I.e. all standard MediaWiki magic variables (TemplatedPageList 28 etc)
   will generate values corresponding to listed articles.
   Additionally, the following parameters are passed to this template:
     {{{index}}}                 list index, beginning at 0
     {{{number}}}                list index, beginning at 1
     {{{odd}}}                   is {{{number}}} odd? (1 or 0)
     {{{ns_N}}}                  N is namespace index, value is 1
     {{{title}}}                 full title
     {{{title_rel}}}             title relative to parent specified in options
 suppresserrors|noerrors|silent = true
   suppress errors

Close tag
