From Wiki4Intranet
(Redirected from CustomSidebar/)
CustomSidebar is a MediaWiki extension.
- Main purpose: Insertion of arbitrary wiki code into Mediawiki:Sidebar navigation panel.
- Repository:
- Homepage:
- License: GPLv2.0+
- Created: 2012-05-05
- Our rating: May be useful (3)
Status for Mediawiki4Intranet distribution:
- Inclusion date: 2012-05-05
- Included version: newest available
- Improvement status: Created by MediaWiki4Intranet project
Allows to add blocks with custom wikitext to Mediawiki Sidebar.
First put require_once("$IP/extensions/CustomSidebar/CustomSidebar.php"); into your LocalSettings.php (you don’t need this if using MediaWiki4Intranet). Then create MediaWiki:CustomSidebar page with following content:
Title will be the title of block, and its content will be taken from MediaWiki:Pagename. Title can also be a localisation message name, then it will be translated.