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creating a template that allows edit right only to the creator of the page

is it possible with this extension ? if yes how ?



Uninstallation instructions

Hi, I'm missing instructions how to remove the extension after it has been set up according to this page. Krichter (talk) 21:54, 31 August 2014 (MSK)


Mediawiki : 1.23.4 IntraACL : 2.1.6

Case 1 Combine mode : OVERRIDE

Rules applied via IntraACL

  • ACL on the namespace without read or edit permission for the user
  • ACL on the category of the page without read or edit permission for the user
  • No ACL on the page
  • But ACL on the parent category of the page's category with read permission for the user

In this case, the page is visible for the user when he accesses by the direct link or through search page. Therefore, I was obliged to prohibit the use of hierarchical categories. If the user, on the parent category clicks the category without read or edit permission for him, he was forbidden.

Case 2 Combine mode : SHRINK

Rules applied via IntraACL

  • ACL on the namespace with read permission for the user
  • ACL on the first category of the page without read or edit permission for the user
  • ACL on the second category of the page with read permission for the user
  • No ACL on the page

In this case, the page is visible for the user. Therefore, I was obliged to prohibit the use of multiples categories for a page.

In SHRINK mode, is-it possible to test all the categories Security Descriptor and if just one category deny the access, the user is forbidden.

Thanks you very much for this extention.

Best Regards

Hi, I've found that IntraACL doesn't work unless your web server sets the HTTP server name header. The ACL tab is missing, and the access controls aren't applied, but the Special:IntraACL page still appears.

I don't consider this to be a bug, but I think it would be helpful if there was a note about this somewhere in the documentation for other people who encounter the same problem.

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