System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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Current message text
badfilename (Talk) (Translate) Filename has been changed to "$1".
badipaddress (Talk) (Translate) Invalid IP address
badretype (Talk) (Translate) The passwords you entered do not match.
badsig (Talk) (Translate) Invalid raw signature. Check HTML tags.
badsiglength (Talk) (Translate) Your signature is too long. It must not be more than $1 {{PLURAL:$1|character|characters}} long.
badtitle (Talk) (Translate) Bad title
badtitletext (Talk) (Translate) The requested page title was invalid, empty, or an incorrectly linked inter-language or inter-wiki title. It may contain one or more characters that cannot be used in titles.
basetext (Talk) (Translate) ←     Base text     →
batcheditor (Talk) (Translate) Batch editing of pages
batcheditor-addlines (Talk) (Translate) Add lines
batcheditor-comment-title (Talk) (Translate) <b>Comment:</b>
batcheditor-create (Talk) (Translate) Create non-existing pages if adding something
batcheditor-deletelines (Talk) (Translate) Delete lines
batcheditor-edit-denied (Talk) (Translate) You cannot edit this article.
batcheditor-edit-error (Talk) (Translate) Editing failed
batcheditor-find (Talk) (Translate) Find
batcheditor-list-title (Talk) (Translate) <b>Articles:</b><br /><small style="line-height: normal">Article titles,<br />one per line</small>
batcheditor-log-add (Talk) (Translate) add $1
batcheditor-log-del-pcre (Talk) (Translate) remove PCRE $1
batcheditor-log-delete (Talk) (Translate) remove $1
batcheditor-log-pcre (Talk) (Translate) replace PCRE $1 with $2
batcheditor-log-replace (Talk) (Translate) replace $1 with $2
batcheditor-not-found (Talk) (Translate) Article [[:$1|$1]] not found!
batcheditor-oneline (Talk) (Translate) Treat this as <b>one</b> multi-line replacement
batcheditor-page-summary (Talk) (Translate) Batch edit: $1
batcheditor-pcre (Talk) (Translate) Use [ Perl-compatible regular expressions] for replacement
batcheditor-preview (Talk) (Translate) Preview
batcheditor-preview-page (Talk) (Translate) = Preview =
batcheditor-replace (Talk) (Translate) Replace
batcheditor-results-page (Talk) (Translate) = '''Results''' =
batcheditor-run (Talk) (Translate) Run
batcheditor-title (Talk) (Translate) Batch Editor
batcheditor-warning (Talk) (Translate) This page is intended to batch (mass) editing of [[{{SITENAME}}]] articles. Please, use this promptly!
bitrate-bits (Talk) (Translate) $1 bps
bitrate-exabits (Talk) (Translate) $1 Ebps
bitrate-gigabits (Talk) (Translate) $1 Gbps
bitrate-kilobits (Talk) (Translate) $1 kbps
bitrate-megabits (Talk) (Translate) $1 Mbps
bitrate-petabits (Talk) (Translate) $1 Pbps
bitrate-terabits (Talk) (Translate) $1 Tbps
bitrate-yottabits (Talk) (Translate) $1 Ybps
bitrate-zetabits (Talk) (Translate) $1 Zbps
blankarticle (Talk) (Translate) <strong>Warning:</strong> The page you are creating is blank. If you click "{{int:savearticle}}" again, the page will be created without any content.
blanknamespace (Talk) (Translate) (Main)
blankpage (Talk) (Translate) Blank page
block (Talk) (Translate) Block user
block-log-flags-angry-autoblock (Talk) (Translate) enhanced autoblock enabled
block-log-flags-anononly (Talk) (Translate) anonymous users only
block-log-flags-hiddenname (Talk) (Translate) username hidden
block-log-flags-noautoblock (Talk) (Translate) autoblock disabled
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