WikiBookmarks is a MediaWiki extension which lets you to manage shared bookmark
lists inside a Wiki article. The extension is written by Vitaliy Filippov
and is distributed under the terms of GNU GPL license version 3 or later. Also, here is a
link to extension homepage.
You always can find a fresh version of the WikiBookmarks documentation on the Special:Bookmarks page. Actually, you've already found it :-).
WikiBookmarks are used in the form of a tiny bookmarklet (what is a bookmarklet?). To install such a bookmarklet in your browser, you need to enter the title of Wiki Article which you want to maintain as your bookmark list, click Make bookmarklet and drag-and-drop displayed link onto your browser's panel or add it into your browser's bookmarks.
"%Y" "%B %Y"
). This meant to be used for
bookmark classification by date. If you want to change heading count and/or heading date format,
you must add a line similar to the following one into the beginning of your bookmarks article:
'''WikiBookmarks''' extracts all present quoted strings from such a comment and use them
as the date dependent headings. The format of formatting strings is the same as in PHP
function [ strftime()] (as you know, actually it's
libc's, but it doesn't matter).
You also have the option of changing format of the date-time string appended to list item
before each bookmark. To do this, you must add a line similar to the following one into the
beginning of your bookmarks article:
If such a comment is present, '''WikiBookmarks''' will take the quoted string from it and use it
as date and time format.
- Get code: svn checkout extensions/WikiBookmarks
- Add require_once "$IP/extensions/WikiBookmarks/WikiBookmarks.php"; to your LocalSettings.php
- Go to Special:WikiBookmarks - this special page automatically refreshes help text and displays it to you.
Usage example: yourcmc:User:VitaliyFilippov/Закладки.