Property:Description en

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Revision as of 13:54, 12 February 2013 by VitaliyFilippov (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "Has type::string")

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Pages using the property "Description en"

Showing 25 pages using this property.

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ErrorMail +PHP email and/or logging error handler.  +


FavRate +Page rating system based on adding pages to «favorites» and allowing to view user’s favorites.  +
FlvHandler +Support inserting Flash video players onto wiki pages using normal image syntax. Supports FLV+MP3 or H.264+AAC codecs inside FLV or MP4 containers.  +
FullLocalImage +fullimage:File and localimage:File parser functions which return file URL (absolute and relative, respectively).  +


GlobalAuth +Simple custom SSO (single sign-on) protocol implementation.  +
Google Analytics +Google Analytics page counter. Can be used on public wikis. <span style="color:red">Warning: extension license is unspecified.</span>  +


HttpAuth +Support HTTP basic authentication in MediaWiki.  +


Interwiki +Interwiki prefix editor.  +
IntraACL +Best page-specific rights extension for MediaWiki. It is based on HaloACL, correcting its endless bugs and inconveniences.  +


LinkAutocomplete +Autocomplete internal links, templates and parser functions in page editing textarea.  +
ListFeed +Simple RSS feed generation from wiki lists (* and #).  +
LoginByEmail +Allows to login using their email instead of account name.  +


MagicNumberedHeadings +Magic words to switch heading numbering on/off regardless of user preferences.  +
MarkupBabel +«Markup Babylon» — support for [[LaTeX]], [[Graphviz]], [[Gnuplot]], UMLGraph and UMLet.  +
MatchByPrefix +Redirects to an article by its prefix (if such a redirect is unambigious).  +
MediaFunctions +Parser functions for getting file upload information.  +
MediawikiQuizzer +Quiz for MediaWiki with simple test creation using natural language descriptions on wiki pages.  +
MergeConflicts +Enhanced 3-column merge for Wiki editing.  +
MMHandler +Media handler for FreeMind/FreePlane mindmap files (*.mm).  +
Mp3Handler +Flash mp3 player used embedding of uploaded MP3 files.  +
MsUpload +Mass file upload, drag&drop and "paste from clipboard" support inside the edit page.  +
MultiCategorySearch +Search pages included in several categories at once (from a special page).  +
MultiWikiSearch +Search multiple Wikis at once using API (Special:MultiWikiSearch), with support for shared user DB.  +


NewPagesEx +Changes [[Special:NewPages]] for a tuned version with category selection, RSS caching and page text in RSS.  +
NonOpenImages +«Images that someone forgot to open via IntraACL» special page.  +
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