System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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favrate-remfav (Talk) (Translate) Unlike
favrate-remfav-cmt (Talk) (Translate) Unlike (current comment: $1)
favrate-removed (Talk) (Translate) Page removed from [[$1|Favorites]].
favrate-select-user (Talk) (Translate) Select other user:
favrate-unauthorized (Talk) (Translate) [[$1|Log in]] to add page to favorites.
favrate-user-go (Talk) (Translate) Go
favrate-viewlogs (Talk) (Translate) view logs
favratebar (Talk) (Translate) Page rating
feb (Talk) (Translate) Feb
february (Talk) (Translate) February
february-date (Talk) (Translate) February $1
february-gen (Talk) (Translate) February
feed-atom (Talk) (Translate) Atom
feed-invalid (Talk) (Translate) Invalid subscription feed type.
feed-rss (Talk) (Translate) RSS
feed-unavailable (Talk) (Translate) Syndication feeds are not available
feedback-adding (Talk) (Translate) Adding feedback to page...
feedback-back (Talk) (Translate) Back
feedback-bugcheck (Talk) (Translate) Great! Just check that it is not already one of the [$1 known bugs].
feedback-bugnew (Talk) (Translate) I checked. Report a new bug
feedback-bugornote (Talk) (Translate) If you are ready to describe a technical problem in detail please [$1 report a bug]. Otherwise, you can use the easy form below. Your comment will be added to the page "[$3 $2]", along with your username.
feedback-cancel (Talk) (Translate) Cancel
feedback-close (Talk) (Translate) Done
feedback-dialog-intro (Talk) (Translate) You can use the easy form below to submit your feedback. Your comment will be added to the page "$1", along with your username.
feedback-dialog-title (Talk) (Translate) Submit feedback
feedback-error-title (Talk) (Translate) Error
feedback-error1 (Talk) (Translate) Error: Unrecognized result from API
feedback-error2 (Talk) (Translate) Error: Edit failed
feedback-error3 (Talk) (Translate) Error: No response from API
feedback-error4 (Talk) (Translate) Error: Unable to post to given feedback title
feedback-external-bug-report-button (Talk) (Translate) File a technical task
feedback-message (Talk) (Translate) Message:
feedback-subject (Talk) (Translate) Subject:
feedback-submit (Talk) (Translate) Submit
feedback-terms (Talk) (Translate) I understand that my user agent information includes information about my exact browser and operating system version and will be shared publicly alongside my feedback.
feedback-termsofuse (Talk) (Translate) I agree to provide feedback in accordance with the Terms of Use.
feedback-thanks (Talk) (Translate) Thanks! Your feedback has been posted to the page "[$2 $1]".
feedback-thanks-title (Talk) (Translate) Thank you!
feedback-useragent (Talk) (Translate) User agent:
fewestrevisions (Talk) (Translate) Pages with the fewest revisions
fewestrevisions-summary (Talk) (Translate)  
file-deleted-duplicate (Talk) (Translate) A file identical to this file ([[:$1]]) has previously been deleted. You should check that file's deletion history before proceeding to re-upload it.
file-deleted-duplicate-notitle (Talk) (Translate) A file identical to this file has previously been deleted, and the title has been suppressed. You should ask someone with the ability to view suppressed file data to review the situation before proceeding to re-upload it.
file-exists-duplicate (Talk) (Translate) This file is a duplicate of the following {{PLURAL:$1|file|files}}:
file-exists-sharedrepo (Talk) (Translate) The filename chosen is already in use on a shared repository. Please choose another name.
file-info (Talk) (Translate) file size: $1, MIME type: $2
file-info-gif-frames (Talk) (Translate) $1 {{PLURAL:$1|frame|frames}}
file-info-gif-looped (Talk) (Translate) looped
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