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< User:StasFomin | Проблемы | Windows
После июльских апдейтов стал тормозить самый боевой ноут → при включении, разгибернации и подключении к какой-либо сети 100% загрузка, включая 100% загрузку ядра.
- Откатиться нешмогла.
- Очень большое DPC, наблюдаемое через dpclat.
- 2012-07-15, 16:00:20: windows vista - How do I get to the root cause of high Deferred Procedure Calls? - Super User
- 2012-07-15, 13:24:56: (SOLVED) System process using 100% of CPU - Tech Support Forum
- 2012-08-08, 11:47:40: Network usage causes high DPC Latency - Page 6 - Windows 7 Forums
- Have not had the problem for a couple of weeks now. Only thing that's changed are some Windows updates.
- 2012-08-08, 02:59:32: Network usage causes high DPC Latency - Page 3 - Windows 7 Forums
- Good luck getting this resolved. I gave up on my system after replacing every component including the motherboard and Power Supply. So I foolishly went out and bought a new computer. An HP HPE-150f running Windows 7 x64. Guess what? Exactly the same problem. The only common factor is Windows 7 x64. The only workaround is to reboot the computer several times a day.
- 2012-08-08, 02:42:32: Network usage causes high DPC Latency - Windows 7 Forums