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Spoil is a MediaWiki extension, designed for: Allows to easily insert wikitext examples — i.e. the parsing result and source code of the same wikitext (in a hidden div)..

Full description


Spoil - расширение MediaWiki, его назначение: Лёгкая вставка примеров вики-кода — то есть, результата разбора вместе с исходным текстом рядом в скрытом div’е..

Полная информацияSpoil is a MediaWiki extension.

  • Main purpose: Allows to easily insert wikitext examples — i.e. the parsing result and source code of the same wikitext (in a hidden div).
  • Repository: https://github.com/mediawiki4intranet/Spoil
  • Homepage: http://wiki.4intra.net/Spoil 
  • Compatible MediaWiki versions: guaranteed 1.18+, maybe others
  • License: GPLv3+ 
  • Created: 2013-03-27 
  • Our rating: Likely useful (4)

Status for Mediawiki4Intranet distribution:

  • Inclusion date: 2013-03-27
  • Included version: newest available
  • Improvement status: Created by MediaWiki4Intranet project


Use the <spoil> parser tag (title attribute can be omitted):

<spoil title="Spoiler title">
Replacement example: {{#replace: ABC | A | B}}

Replacement example: BBC

 Spoiler title


As usual — add the following line into your LocalSettings.php:
