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Calendar is a MediaWiki extension, designed for: Improved calendar for MediaWiki. Each event / day with events is stored on a wiki page.

Full description


Calendar — расширение MediaWiki, его назначение: Доработанный календарь событий для MediaWiki. Каждое событие, либо каждый день с событиями, хранится на вики-странице.

Полная информация


Our improvements

  • BIG refactoring — a lot of bad solutions and even possible security bugs is removed.
  • Booking individual hours of day.
  • AJAX popup tips on year view.
  • RSS feeds of events.
  • Wiki-markup support for event descriptions.
  • Russian localisation.


  • Maybe monitor new versions of the extension — author says he’ll release a newer one with direct database access instead of wikipage method.
  • Maybe add some kind of notifications or request them from the author.
  • Maybe remove the extension at all — its usefulness in corporate environment is very questionable.
