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CharInsertList is a MediaWiki extension, designed for: Similar to CharInsert, but inserts drop-down lists instead of links (used to insert predefined text during edit).

Full description


CharInsertList — расширение MediaWiki, его назначение: Аналогично CharInsert, но вместо ссылок вставляет выпадающие списки (для вставки конструкций при редактировании).

Полная информация


Insert the following tag to MediaWiki:Edittools (or, with UserMessage extension, to a personal MediaWiki:Edittools@

  • type=dropdown (default) generates <select>boxes.
  • type=links is similar to normal CharInsert output with hyperlinks, but Item Names will be used for link text.
<listinsert [type=links|dropdown] [attributes]>
Item Name = Item Text
Item Name = Long and multiline \
            Item Text
Item Name = What_is_inserted_before_cursor + What_is_inserted_after_cursor \
            CharInsert-like syntax
Item Name = This is a real \+ character, not cursor marker (with slash)

[attributes] are copied to HTML <select> attributes without any change.


Add the following into your LocalSettings.php:

require_once "$IP/extensions/CharInsertList/CharInsertList.php";