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Created 2013-10-18  +
Description en Autocomplete internal links, templates and parser functions in page editing textarea.  +
Description page en LinkAutocomplete/en +
Description page ru LinkAutocomplete/ru +
Description ru Автодополнение внутренних ссылок, шаблонов и функций парсера прямо в поле редактирования статьи.  +
Disabled false  +
Included 2013-11-13  +
License GPLv2.0+  +
Name LinkAutocomplete  +
Properties page LinkAutocomplete +
Repo  +
Status our  +
Still included true  +
Url  +
Useful likely  +
Has query
"Has query" is a predefined property that represents meta information (in form of a subobject) about individual queries.
LinkAutocomplete +
Categories Mediawiki4Intranet extensions , Incomplete extension descriptions
Modification date
This property is a special property in this wiki.
4 December 2013 13:21:42  +
hide properties that link here 
LinkAutocomplete + , LinkAutocomplete/ru + Properties page


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